Our mission is to love God first, to grow and mature in Christ, and to witness and minister to the needs of others throughout the world as we seek to make disciples of them.


Sunday at 10:30 am


Wednesday 6:00 PM


Wednesday 6:30 PM

Our Core Values are what we STAND for, what we STRIVE for, what we DO


Jesus confirmed the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. We were created to worship and

reflect His glory not just when we gather on Sundays, but in everything we do, all day, everyday! (Dt. 6:4-9, Mt. 22:37-38, 1 Co. 10:31)


Jesus commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations. We make disciples who surrender to Jesus as Lord and King, who worship in Spirit and in truth and who

multiply by making other likeminded disciples. (Mt. 28:18-20, Rm 1:5)


Jesus told His disciples that the world will know that we belong to Him because of our love for one another. We love each other well by assuming the best of each other and

we love our community and world because Jesus first loved us. (Jn 13:35, 1 Jn 4:19)


Jesus sent His disciples to be witnesses to their hometowns, their country, and to the ends of the earth. We live sent as witnesses for Jesus in Pelahatchie, in Mississippi,

in the USA, and even to the ends of the earth. (Ac 1:8, Jn 17:18, Rm 10:14-15)


Jesus modeled and taught His disciples to pray. We function within a culture of prayer as we regularly approach His throne of grace with humility and boldness, asking, seeking, and knocking. (Lk 6:12, 11:1-4, Hb 4:16, Mt. 7:7)

Loving God

Through serving
The community


 Spencer Sullivan

I love Pelahatchie and am grateful for the opportunity to live in and minister to this wonderful town. My passion is to preach the inerrant Word of God every Sunday so that the Spirit of God reveals His message to each one of us and so that we can live in faith and obedience to King Jesus!

Because of this mission, Spencer is passionate about preaching the message of Christ in a simple way that anyone can understand, while staying true to Scripture.

Jesus said,

Matthew 19:14

At PBC, we love children! The mission of Pelahatchie Kids is to disciple our children to surrender to Jesus as Lord and King and to have a heart to reach their community and world for Jesus! We do that through age appropriate and applicable Bible teaching through Sunday School and Children’s Church on Sundays, as well as our Engage worship and missions encounters on Wednesday nights!

As a church we want to equip you with the resources and tools to engage your children with the gospel. 


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House Groups and Sunday School

We believe disciples of Jesus grow most effectively in the context of small groups. We provide these opportunities through Sunday School and House Groups. We have Sunday School groups for all ages every Sunday morning at 9:15 am! In addition, we are starting new House Groups that meet in host homes at various times and places throughout the week. These groups allow deeper relationships to form, which provide needed community and encouragement as we serve Jesus together!